Hello 'Unputdownables!'

Not long ago, an MA student in English Literature chose the Lust, Money & Murder series as the subject for one of her papers. She asked the question, What exactly makes this series successful? 

With her permission, here is a summary of her conclusions:

Genre: International Intrigue Thriller

Unique Genre Description: This series combines high-stakes international crime, intricate financial schemes, and deeply personal motivations. US Secret Service agent Elaine Brogan navigates complex networks of deceit, corruption, and danger, with suspenseful twists. She frequently faces formidable adversaries, particularly the charismatic and cunning Italian criminal mastermind, Giorgio Cattoretti.

Key Elements:

International Settings: Diverse global locations add complexity and exotic flair.

Financial and Legal Intrigue: Plots involve sophisticated financial schemes, fraud, and legal dilemmas.

Strong Female Protagonist: Elaine Brogan is intelligent, resourceful, and faces significant challenges.

Complex Antagonists: Adversaries with personal motivations push Elaine to her limits.

High-Stakes Suspense: Continuous tension and unpredictable twists keep readers on edge.

Moral Ambiguity: Characters face morally gray situations, adding depth and realism.

Compelling Villain: Giorgio Cattoretti’s unpredictable nature and intricate schemes create ongoing tension and intrigue.

Conclusion: Lust, Money & Murder blends thriller intensity with financial and legal drama, set against international intrigue. The dynamic between Elaine Brogan and Giorgio Cattoretti results in a captivating narrative that keeps readers engaged.


I thought this was an accurate description. What do you think?  Did she miss anything?

The reviews Outback Diamonds (Lust, Money & Murder #16) keep coming in — here's a snippet from the latest:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "As expected, the latest episode in this series is packed with non-stop action that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The pacing is relentless..." — Adam Bailey, Amazon (Kindle version)

Have you read this book yet?

Giveaway - Outback Diamonds

T-shirt - Night Version

When the cover was created for Outback Diamonds, I made a 'night version' too, just to see how it would look. I have both of the promotional shirts myself and some people like the night version better (base color is navy).  I thought I would give one away this week to celebrate the success of the book.

To enter the giveaway, please click on one of the responses below (by the way, clicking on more than one won't raise your chances of winning--duplicate emails are eliminated before the drawing by Random.org). 

  I like the day version of the book cover better

  I like the night version of the book cover better 


********** LAST GIVEAWAY WINNER *********

Last week's signed paperback copy of Outback Diamonds went to Dace from Riga, Latvia.  Congratulations, Dace!

Reader Spotlight 

Time for our Reader Spotlight, where I give a shout-out to one of my amazing readers and offer you the chance to enjoy your 'moment in the spotlight.' All you have to do is answer a few simple questions. Here's this week's edition!

Meet Sheena!

Where you're from/hometown: Butte, Montana, USA
Favorite book of all time: The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway
Favorite author: Mike Wells
Favorite Mike Wells book: All of them, been reading Lust, Money & Murder since Book 1!
Last book read: Outback Diamonds
Favorite reading place/time: Anytime - ebook 
Fun fact: I love the unputdownable part of Mike's books
Question: Where do you get the ideas for the diversity in your book genres?

Thank you, Sheena, for your long-time support of my work! 

Your question about genres is a great one. Honestly, when I wrote my first few books, I did not really understand the concept of 'genre.'  I just told the stories that I wanted to tell, whatever came into my head. Only later, from publishers, did I find out that one story was 'coming of age,' another was a 'YA romantic comedy,' etc.

I would encourage any aspiring authors not to worry so much about genre and simply write the stories that inspire you. Ultimately, I believe that most successful authors create their own unique genres (or sub-genres) that nobody else can write as well as they can. Thank you, Sheena, for that question. I hope I answered it!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been forwarding this newsletter to friends and family and helping give my books a chance!

Happy reading,


P.S. Have you read all my books?

Discounted Lust, Money & Murder Trilogy Boxed Sets

The price of each set ($9.99) results in an average price of only $3.33 per book. 

If you buy these sets on my online store using your discount coupon H2GPL0GWWU, the price drops to $2.99 per book. 

Other 'Unputdownable' Mike Wells Books

Baby Talk 

Blind Scorpion

The Drive-By Wife 


The Mysterious Disappearance of Kurt Kramer 

The Tesla Secret

Passion, Power & Sin 

Renata's Revenge

Secrets of the Elusive Lover 

With Mother’s Approval 

The Wrong Side of the Tracks

Wild Child

If you're interested in discounts and/or DRM-free copies,please visit my online bookstore (use the coupon code H2GPL0GWWU for the 10% VIP Reader Discount - other discount codes may be added as well)

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