Friday, August 30, 2024 - Read Previous Newsletters

Hello 'Unputdownables!'

Big news today—I'm thrilled to announce the next Lust, Money & Murder book you've all been anxiously awaiting: Marilyn's Secret Lipstick.

The premise is simple but intriguing. By pure chance, Giorgio Cattoretti uncovers a fascinating secret: hidden in a Hollywood studio makeup case is an 18k gold, diamond-encrusted lipstick given to Marilyn Monroe by Frank Sinatra, with an engraved message that confirms the rumors of their love affair.

Giorgio becomes obsessed with tracking it down, selling it for millions, and making history. But as an internationally wanted criminal, he knows he can't do it alone.

Who does The Cat think is best suited to help?

Elaine Brogan, of course!

You can download a four-chapter teaser here to read the beginning of the book. Next week, I'll post a second teaser to keep the story going.

Here's a snippet from a scene a bit further in:

As soon they were alone, Giorgio said, “Elaine, I can see that your emotions are running high, and mine are, too. I’m hoping we can engage in a thoughtful, intelligent discussion about Ryan, like two adults.”

Elaine was still so angry she was breathing faster than usual. “That’s fine with me, but I don’t see what there is to discuss. All I want you to do is keep your promise and leave us alone.”

“‘Us,’” Cattoretti echoed distastefully. “You always exclude me from your family as if I were some kind of leper.”

Elaine was taken aback.

“To add insult to injury, you even stole Tony from me,” he said, his voice wavering with resentment.

“I did not ‘steal’ Tony from you. When your castle was raided, he had nowhere to go, and you know it.”

Elaine just sat there, her emotions in turmoil, staring at him.

Cattoretti leaned forward and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I hate to put it to you so bluntly, Elaine, but the moment my seed met yours and our DNA combined, we became family. Period. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Elaine was flabbergasted.

The official release will be in October, so stay tuned to this newsletter for more details.

Meanwhile, Outback Diamonds continues to receive awesome feedback from readers who love its twists and turns. It's been great seeing so many of you enjoying the adventure, and I appreciate all the fantastic reviews coming in!

I also want to remind everyone that it's rated as one of the best books in the series—and it’s a standalone. So if you haven’t read any of the other books, don’t worry, you can jump right in.

Reader Spotlight 

Time for our Reader Spotlight, where I give a shout-out to one of my amazing readers and offer you the chance to enjoy your 'moment in the spotlight.' All you have to do is answer a few simple questions. Here's this week's edition:

Meet Gea!

Where you're from/hometown: Italy
Favorite book of all time: I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed) by Alessandro Manzoni.
Favorite author: Too many to choose only one
Favorite Mike Wells book:  The Lust, Money and Murder series 
Last book read: The Japanese Trilogy
Favorite reading place/time: Daylight - paperback book
Fun fact: Love Reading and Fitness, two different activities
Question: Your great protagonist - have you been inspired by someone in reality?

Nice to meet you, Gea! I'm not sure that reading and fitness are so different—one exercises the body, the other the mind. 😃 Both are beneficial, no matter how you look at it.

As for your question, I assume the protagonist you're talking about is Elaine Brogan. To be honest, Elaine kind of just came to life on her own as I worked on the novel. Also, unlike most of my characters, she is based on me and no one else. Whenever I'm writing her character, I simply have her do what I would do in her place. You could say she's a female version of me, navigating a dangerous and complex world, making creative use of whatever resources are at hand. Most importantly, she has to make decisions that she can live with, morally.

What’s surprised me most is how deeply readers connect with her. Maybe it’s because she’s relatable and grounded, or because she grows and evolves throughout the series in a way that resonates with a lot of people. In any case, I’m grateful that Elaine has struck such a chord with readers, and I appreciate your question, Gea, and your readership!

That’s it for this week, dear reader. Keep an eye on your inbox for more updates on Marilyn's Secret Lipstick!


P.S. Have you read all my books?

Catch Up on the Lust, Money & Murder Series With These Discounted Trilogy Boxed Sets

The price of each set ($9.99) results in an average price of only $3.33 per book. 

If you buy these sets on my online store using your discount coupon H2GPL0GWWU, the price drops to $2.99 per book. 

More 'Unputdownable' Books by Mike Wells


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